Saturday, May 1, 2010

Well, today I'm glad I don't teach Spanish.

I'm procrastinating my lesson for church tomorrow. I started it, but got distracted by this, that and the other. This was checking my facebook. That was checking blogger. And the other was finding this button on my Mozilla web browser. The button said "Translate" and it was blue. And I had never seen it before. I clicked it and it said, This page has been automatically translated into English. Well it was my friend Tiffanie's blog (Love you Tiff!!) and so, duh, she WROTE it in English. Still, I was curious. So for some reason I selected French off the drop down list of languages. I don't speak French, so I couldn't tell if it was correct or not. So then I changed the language to Spanish. And wow!! It totally translates her whole blog (later I tried it on my own blog too!) into dang good Spanish. I mean, I haven't studied it for a LONG time, so maybe I'm incorrect about the accuracy, but it seemed pretty close to me! So write your paper for school into your blog. Translate it into Spanish. Or French. Or Hebrew for that matter. Its like Google's version of the easy button.

1 comment:

Tiffanie said...

First off, it makes me so happy you were looking at my blog b/c I LOVE to read yours! And second...where is that wonderful translate button - I want to play! Oh and James and I really miss you guys! Please come play!