Monday, April 6, 2009

Sugar, Sugar

What you are about to hear is a true story. Last night after we had eaten dinner and dessert, Adam and I were watching the CMA's and he got up and went into the kitchen. He started rummaging around in the cupboards, so I asked him if he was still hungry. "I'm just craving some licorice." "Licorice?" "Yeah." "Oh," I said, "here, I have some in my purse." Yep, I had a whole pack of licorice in my purse and he had no idea. I have expected him to wish for a million dollars next. "A million dollars? Oh, here, I have that in my purse." :)


Andrew said...

Were you thinking of that Will Smith song "Loretta" when you wrote that first line?

Unknown said...

well since you have a magic purse then let me borrow it for awhile

Megan said...

That is hilarious. What a great story. :)