Wednesday, March 3, 2010

And the winner is. . .

Adam Thomas! Did you know that the contests offered on the radio and internet are won consistently by a very small percentage of people? At least that is my hypothesis after being with Adam for almost a year and a half. Here is why: In order to win these contests you have to ENTER them. And I think most people, like myself, just don't bother. So its the same small group of people that keep winning over and over again. I read about contests all the time on blogs and I never bother to take five seconds to enter. I hear radio contests all the time on my way to work and even when I know the answer I never pick up the phone to call. Adam does these things ALL THE TIME! So far he has won tickets to see Star Wars in concert (Very cool!) and circus tickets (which he gave to his brothers) and last night we got to enjoy his latest prize: Free dinner at the grand opening of SmashBurger in Draper!!!
SOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo yummy. We got dinner for four, so we were joined by Adam's mom and brother. We had a great time eating our yummy burgers and fries and shakes. Such a great night, I really needed some fun in my life!!


Shillawna said...

Kevin does the same thing. Most of the time it drives me crazy because we'll be driving in the car listening to the radio and all of a sudden he's dialing like a mad man. I ask him what he's trying to win and he has no idea, he just knows it is time to call. He's now resorted to keeping a clock radio downstairs so that he can tune in when he knows it's time to call on a contest, or even sitting in the car in the garage a few minutes before a contest to make sure he can hear what's going on. Lame. Althouh, he's won some pretty cool prizes! Lots of concerts, tickets to Disney on Ice, CD's etc. I guess we all need a hobby, right?

Kimberly said...

Ha ha! That is awesome! Adam actually won a CD the very day that I was writing this! Crazy.